Subject: ODOT Traffic incident response and emergency management meeting on July 18th-RSVP needed
Importance: High
In the spirit of regional collaboration and in an effort to be proactive, The Ohio Department of Transportation-District 12 will be hosting a meet & greet and discussion on traffic incident response and emergency management on July 18th from 9:30 to 11:30 at the Lake County Fairgrounds, 1301 Mentor Ave. Painesville, Ohio 44077.
This meeting is for all Mayors/City Managers, Safety, EMS, Emergency Management and Service Directors or any other city official you would like to attend. Given recent events with railroad and other safety issues, this is a very timely meeting and a great opportunity to discuss planning, but also to exchange appropriate contact information.
Please RSVP to me at this email address ([email protected]) so I can provide them with attendees.
Thank you,
Lisa J. Barno, Executive Director
Northeast Ohio Mayors and City Managers Association
Cuyahoga County Mayors & City Managers Association
1717 Euclid Avenue UR 128
Cleveland, OH 44115
216.570.6827 Mobile