test submission

test of forwarding email to Chief Robinson Submitted by: MattSabo Concord Township


Information for Retired Chiefs

Chiefs, We want to do better in recognizing Chiefs of our organization who have retired. As a reminder, Life Memberships may be conferred upon individuals who, upon retirement from the fire service, have been members of the Association for a period of not less than one (1) year immediately preceding retirement provided they are not


Chief Officer Salary

Greetings! If you are willing to share, I am interested in 2022 salary figures for your departments for the positions of Chief, Assistant Chief, & Deputy Chief. Basically, all executive level officers not in a collective bargaining unit. Your response may be sent to me directly if you prefer, [email protected]. Kindest Regards, Matt Sabo, Concord


OFE Project Survey

The following is being submitted by Chief Todd Baker, who is currently submitting his membership documents, on behalf of one of his Lieutenants: Greeting Colleagues, My name is Brian Faulhammer and I am a Lieutenant with Madison Fire District in Madison, Ohio. I am currently working on a research paper for the Ohio Fire Executive


Annual Membership Dues

The membership has been having discussion at the past few meetings regarding the annual dues. We would like to thank everyone who has provided their input into this proposal. As a result of the initial survey and discussion at the past couple of meetings, many supported the idea of making the annual dues ‘all-inclusive’ to


Proposed Increase to Annual Dues

At the October meeting, a proposal was brought up from the floor to increase annual dues in order to make them ‘all inclusive’ (include meals). The amount of a $50 increase per person was discussed and the members in attendance asked for a survey of all membership to give everyone an opportunity to express their


Professional Development Survey

I hope this email finds you well! Looking for a little help, I’m working on my doctorial dissertation at the University of Dayton and I need to send out a survey on professional development within the fire service. Can you please forward the survey to other members of your department, It would be greatly appreciated!


Requests for Assistance

Welcome to our new RFA platform! This is a space for members of the Northeast Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association to pose questions to other members. You will also have the opportunity to answer any questions on this platform as you wish. This platform will be monitored to ensure that the content is specific to our